


  Naruto Uzumaki vs Ichigo Kurosaki my oh my what a debate this is going to be. We have two of the strongest and most favorite anime characters repping straight from the big three, these two have been going at it for years and there are multiple explanations where Ichigo wins or where Naruto wins but let's take a look at it ourselves shall we not. So, who wins the nine tailed jinchuriki or the soul reaper/quincy only one way to find out, we know how this goes, I'm going to tell you straight up who wins and provide you with the necessary information to back my decision such as the history on both, their powers and abilities and how the victor wins.............., that's the normal right, but let's switch it up a little, why not have an interaction with each other. I'm going to do everything except saying who wins, and if there are any abilities, I leave out you guys can let me know in the comments. So, I'm going to let you guys the readers decide who wins and the



  Good Evening, Good Night or even Good Morning. How's everyone doing, as usual it's been a while, hope everyone is doing well. I'm back with a haiku for everyone to enjoy, one I wrote a year back just laying watching the clouds, amazed and at peace. Well here it is " Marshmallow Clouds"   MARSHMALLOW CLOUDS Floating calmly there  Like marshmallows in the sky Are cute fluffy clouds That's all for now guys, until we meet again Ja Ne P.S anime battle upcoming.


Hi everyone, it's been a while hope all is well and everyone is doing great, I'm fine over here and I'm here with another poem for the poetry lovers. A regular rhyming poem I wrote in bed around midnight or so, didn't know what inspired it but it just came. So, let's get unto the poem shall we not, hope you guys enjoy...... " VOICES IN MY HEAD"   VOICES IN MY HEAD  11 o clock in the night lying alone on my bed While the rain pours, and the place darkens This is when I’ll start to hear voices in my head Rambling on and on about my miserable life   About death and the peace, I’ll find Leaving this world of stress and pain Are the thoughts that flows through my mind Laying in the dark as the time flows   Those voices have no limit that I’ve learned Enchanting me of fantasies beyond this realm And thus, from mere voices to words it turns As I share them with the whole world   Sometimes I listen to those deadly voices Torm


  So, guys I'm back with another poem for everyone. Hope everyone has been doing well, well as usual I'm great too. Now this is a rhyming poem, named "Jail Break" and it's a funny one at that. It came to mind from some funny cartoons I watched and so without further ado onto the poem JAIL BREAK Sssh the guards are asleep Quickly now, pass me the spoon It’s time to dig, dig, dig, dig So that we can leave this cell soon   Hmm wait it’s about daybreak Give me the poster, cover the hole Act normal tell no one of our jail break And get back to bed until it’s time   Great it’s lunch, hide some more spoons We need new one to keep going anyway Yes, bedtime lets dig, dig, dig some more Phew it’s finished, so in this cell we’ll not stay   Quick crawl, crawl, crawl follow the map Don’t mind the rubble just keep going Turn left turn right we’re almost there Yes, yes, yes, a light is showing   Sniff, sniff, what’s that weird smell An


  Hey what's going guys, how's everyone doing, I hope everyone is doing well. Now I got some messages in my WhatsApp replying on the post with Naruto vs Ichigo, seems like everyone came there and replied, only like two or three actually commented on my website. But I have my answer and I'll post it after this post and another. Now I have a poem that I wrote for fun it's called "Two Dragons" it's a regular rhyming poem, explaining how dragons destroyed a village and left folks homeless. Sounds interesting right, I know so let's get on with the poem. TWO DRAGONS It was a dark and stormy night  rain was pouring, thunder clapping and pfft... ha-ha just kidding, it was sunny and bright the place was cool and the wind nice No one expected what had come to be those monsters who destroyed our town the terrible tale I'm now telling thee which had happened on that cool day You see that nice wind had changed it started to blow louder and louder and no, it sti


Hey guys good morning, good afternoon or good evening/night to all, I hope you guys enjoyed the last poem I posted and my previous anime battle (weird that everyone is replying straight to my inbox). Here's another poem titled "life in the open" a free verse poem I did when I came back from my visit to a family friend in the country. I must say it was splendid, peaceful and quiet nothing like here in the city, though I do love a little noise every now and then. There was a lot of animals just roaming around freely and the farmlands was massive, the birds chirped happily, and the sky was a little bluer than usual even when the rain fell it was calming. But enough reminiscing let's get to why you're all here........ the poem. LIFE IN THE OPEN [yawn] A start of another poem Writing from the heart of boredom I don’t know how far it’s going But it shall be nothing like the rest For this, even though coming from boredom Shall be excellent and probably my b


Hola mi amigos, I hope everyone is doing well and I know it's late like really late, but ........                                               HAPPY NEW YEARS TO ALL!!!!!!!!! Sorry I've been so busy I forgot to wish everyone a happy new year, but the past is the past, I guess. So, I still have a week and three more days before responding and dropping a new post for Naruto Vs Ichigo. In the meantime, I'm going to be dropping my poems like usual and if anyone has an anime battle, I'll work on that as well. So, let's get on with it, now this poem is titled "GOODBYE" but it's a teacher's version. It was written since my school days when one of the oldest teachers in my school was retiring. Another one of my regular rhyming poems, let's get going now shall we. GOODBYE "TEACHERS VERSION" To say goodbye to a teacher So, loving and like a mother caring Would hurt the souls of many And their hearts would be tearing Our lives were changed whe
