

 Hey what's going guys, how's everyone doing, I hope everyone is doing well. Now I got some messages in my WhatsApp replying on the post with Naruto vs Ichigo, seems like everyone came there and replied, only like two or three actually commented on my website. But I have my answer and I'll post it after this post and another. Now I have a poem that I wrote for fun it's called "Two Dragons" it's a regular rhyming poem, explaining how dragons destroyed a village and left folks homeless. Sounds interesting right, I know so let's get on with the poem.


It was a dark and stormy night 
rain was pouring, thunder clapping and
pfft... ha-ha just kidding, it was sunny and bright
the place was cool and the wind nice

No one expected what had come to be
those monsters who destroyed our town
the terrible tale I'm now telling thee
which had happened on that cool day

You see that nice wind had changed
it started to blow louder and louder
and no, it still hadn't rained
but the sky was way blacker now

Everyone ran inside of their homes
locked their windows and their doors
well, everyone but me, I was left alone
in the middle of the darkened street

Why were the clouds so darker now 
I wondered as I stood still in aw
suddenly I felt a slight tremor below
as if the earth was about to open

That's when I saw it and with fear I ran
Running as fast as I could from that tremendous sight
lizards with wings and scales that devours any man
filled the sky and headed towards my town

Their flapping wings could be heard for miles 
and the heat of their spewing fire was felt
for miles and miles while their faces had weird smiles
as if they knew what they were doing and loved it

Everyone now escaping their houses ran as fast as they could
as those monsters plummeted them beneath their claws
crushed were those who in fear still stood
then devoured right before my eyes

To the mountains we ran as the monsters stayed behind
destroying our town making it their nest and home
over the mountains we all had managed to climb
while looking back at our hometown destroyed

Some wept while others had completely gone insane
to think that those monsters from fairy tales were real
and could cause this much damage and pain,
kneeling down I cried as hard and loud as I could

I couldn't help myself for the trauma I received was grave
watching that terrible sight below got me angry
but what could I have done that day
nothing but cry in fear, sadness and anger

We all then trotted to the next town up ahead
warning every one of the dangers that lie beyond the mountains
and if they did not heed our warnings, they'd end up dead
then we all settled down for the night within their town

but days past and so did years, and a new town was built again
yet the monsters never attacked us anymore, since that day
seems they were just looking to enjoy a little game
one which involved tearing down homes and ending lives

To this day no one has ever went beyond those mountains
for the fear of not making, it back out alive
that place was known as a death trap, DRAGONS PIT was its name
And as for me and the townsfolk well we're just here living our lives
                                  Away From Dragons

And that's a wrap guys,until next time Ja Ne.


